Monday, April 19, 2010

Received Mon April 19, 2010

Dear Family,

Here is the big transfer news!! We get a fax on Monday morning with all the transfer news, so yes I do have it. I am getting transferred!! This means I am probably going back to a Spanish area for my last 2 transfers and I probably will just be a normal missionary or maybe a district leader. You never know what will happen, but that is the most likely. I am really excited about it though. I will find out where I'm going on Wednesday at our transfer meeting.

Dodgeball last week was awesome. All 26 missionaries in our zone came and everyone loved it. We played dodgeball for 2-3 hours. We played a several different versions of dodgeball. We started off by playing pivot tag, which is a game we played earlier on in my mission. It is basically free for all dodgeball. There are 3-4 balls and when you pick one up, you have to plant one foot and you cant move until you throw it. If someone hits you, you have to sit down and you have to stay down until the person who hit you gets out. So it keeps on going until one person has gotten everyone out. It was really fun but reeally tiring when there were so many people. The next day I was the sorest I have ever been in my life. It was pretty funny. When we were driving down the road that next day we saw an old man taking out his trash, so we pulled over to help him, and when we were struggling to get out of the car because of our soreness, I could only imagine what the old man thought. He was probably more capable of taking out the trash than we were. It was pretty funny. Every missionary I talked to said they were sore...I'm glad it wasn't just me. I am definitely pretty out of shape right now though. Zak is a brave man. I dint think I would race against Mom right now because I would probably lose and that would be embarrassing to get beat by my mom. Maybe I'll get transferred to a bike area. But yeah, it was a pretty awesome p-day.

That is exciting that Christopher is interviewing with Google. In my mind I have always seen Christopher working there. I bet it will go well. I remember years ago Christopher was telling me about the work place for google and how their office is and how well they treat the employees there. Plus its in California, so what more could you ask for.

This week has gone pretty well. We've found some more people to teach, which is always really good for this area. We also got 3 people to church. One of them is a mom of 7 children. Her husband is a doctor and a lawyer and hes constantly traveling around the world doing surgeries and crazy stuff like that. It goes without saying, but they are loaded. I originally talked to her in the Wal-mart parking lot when she was sitting in her car eating a hamburger. I didn't know it at the time, but when I talked about it at church, one of the members said they they are good family friends with them. This lady has had a lot of exposure to the church. Her husband too works with a lot of Mormons. It is pretty exciting.
There are so many people here in this area right now that have testimonies of the church and some that even want to get baptized, but they just have one or two obstacles in their path they are trying to overcome. If things fall into place, there could be a lot of baptisms in the near future.

I don't remember if I've talked to you about the Muslim family from Bangladesh we are teaching. Their last name is Rahman. The father's name is Anisuir, and the two kids are Yahmin and Molmehr. We've been teaching them for about a month. They now believe in Jesus Christ as the Savior and they want to get baptized. They absolutely love us and they love it when we come over and teach. It is fun. Most of their family will probably disown them when they join the church, but they said they will follow God no matter what the sacrifice. They are awesome.

We have also done really well working with the members this week. What we've started to do is after a dinner appointment or for whatever visit it may be, we ask if we can come back in the next week to share another short message. Of course they accept. Then we tell them we have a challenge for them and we challenge them to pray about and invite someone to come to our appointment with them. So the commitment is just to make an invitation, it doesn't matter if they accept or not. This morning we had a lady call us and tell us about how she went out and started talking to her neighbor and she told her all about the book of mormon and now she wants a copy. She was pretty excited...she is usually a pretty shy lady. Good things are happening. Our ward mission leader and our bishop are also going to be speaking at our stake conference this weekend and talk about how we have the Ward Mission Process running so well, which is something Elder L Tom Perry introduced where the Ward council is supposed to invite people to be taught by the missionaries in order to help them reach 20 sit downs each week. It is going really well in our ward. We have an awesome ward.

It is weird to think I am starting my second to last transfer. After you have a pretty big chunk of time in the mission behind you, you just kind of stop thinking about it and the months and transfers just fly by. It seems like every time you get use to a ward and an area, you get transferred. That is half of the reason why I knew I was going to get transferred. I am pretty excited for this Wednesday to see where I am going to end up.

Congratulations to Christopher, Steven, and Heather on graduating. That is awesome that it hasn't been too hard for them to find jobs. Hopefully by the time I finish school the economy will be back up and the job market will be good. I'm not even sure what I'm going to end up going into. We'll see.

Ok well that's about all for this week. I am going to be getting mail on Wednesday and transfer meeting, so hopefully Dad's letter will be in there. I probably could have just printed it out and read it that way...that would have been really easy. Have a good week, I love you all!! I will let you know next week where I end up!


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TomiRomig0221 said...
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