Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Yea, It Came! Received Mon, April 6, 2009

Wow...thank you for all the e-mails. And I apologize for not being able to e-mail last week. We drove all the way to the library just to find out the computers were broken. We waited like 2 hours then they were finally fixed, but when we got on the computer to e-mail, we couldn't log into our e-mail website. We eventually had to leave. Normally we would just go the next day, but we live so far away from everything, so we couldn't go do it. We have a certain amount of miles we can drive every month and we were already over by 100, so we couldn't drive way out to the library. My next plan was to use the Randall's computer. They were really busy that whole week and so were we and we didn't even see each other until Saturday. By that time I figured I'd just wait til Monday to e-mail.

SO...here I am. Lets see...we got our transfer calls this morning and me and my companion are both staying. I was really happy about that because I don't really have the whole area down yet and were doing really well together. Last week we taught the Dors and talked to them about baptism and they said they want to get baptized on May 16th. The father lives out in Miami and he wanted to be here for the baptism and that is the first time he could make it out. I was really happy to hear how supportive he was of his family. It would be really cool if missionaries in Miami could teach him out there so he could possibly get baptized with his family. Unfortunately he works 7 days a week and there are other complications so that missionaries cant come. We will teach him when he's down here too.

David Majewski is still planning on getting baptized when he finishes the Gospel Principles book and hes about 1/2 way done right now.

Tom Fitchett is praying about a baptismal date and we will see him again on Thursday and see if hes ready to choose a date.

Then there's the Vietnamese lady named Tien who is going to get baptized in a week or two depending on when we can visit her.So that's 7 people that are getting ready to get baptized!! We are doing really really good. The hard part is finding new people to teach. Unfortunately most of the people here are comfortable where they are and don't think they really need anything else. After thinking and praying about it a lot the thing that keeps on coming to mind is to use the amazing ward members that we have. So this last week or so we have been visiting a lot of members and sharing scriptures about missionary work and teaching the importance of missionary work. Pretty much everyone who lives here knows that knocking doors doesn't work well in this area so they all understand how important it is for them to open their mouths and talk to the people around them. We have gotten a few referrals so we'll see how it goes. I know that if we keep trying and put in all our effort we will find people to teach.

I did get my birthday package and the other package. I loved the tie and I wore it that day. Buying a new shirt was an excellent idea and I was actually thinking of asking for another short sleeve shirt or two, but there was one problem. I've found that the 15 1/2 size shirts are a little too small and I feel like I'm getting choked when I wear them, so I've been wearing all my size 16 shirts. So...do you think I should send it back home so you can exchange it or just keep it with me? I was also wondering if you could send some more ankle high socks. Somehow I've only got 1 pair of those left and about 3 normal length socks. I think other than that I'm doing really well.

How did you guys like conference?? I love it. I liked so many different talks and I have a lot of favorite speakers, but I think my favorite speaker is President Uchtdorf. When he speaks its always filled with power and with passion. He always uses his hands and you can tell what hes saying really means a lot to him. Hes also very confident when he speaks. I think the talk he gave in the priesthood session about Nehemiah was my favorite. Conference was definitely a good birthday present.

I discovered a new favorite cereal. Surprisingly and for the first time in my life, it is a Malt-O-Meal brand of cereal. Its called Muffin Tops. Its just like cinnamon toast crunch, but its blueberry flavored. At first I didn't really like it a ton, but like a week later I started craving it and I've eaten it every day since then. I also started having a craving for donuts. Every single night we always drove past the donut place right when it closed, then one day last week we were in the area when it was open. We went to this big donut place here called Shipleys Donuts. The donuts there were SO expensive. For a maple bar it was like $1.19. At home those are $0.60. I got a normal circular one and it was really good but I don't think I'll go back there again. Coincidentally, the day later we ate breakfast at our bishops house and he fed us donuts. That was one good breakfast. We eat breakfast at our bishop's house every Saturday morning and talk about investigators and everything else, then we go and play soccer with a bunch of members from the church and their friends. The youth are really good about bringing nonmember friends to come play, so every week there's several nonmembers there and it is a really good missionary opportunity. Plus we get to play soccer, so its really fun.

I loved that post about burgers that Mom sent me. I think I'd have to consider myself a burger connoisseur(however you spell it)...well at least bacon burger connoisseur.
  • The #1 bacon burger is at Chili's.
  • #2 is this place here in Texas called 9ers. They have pound burgers and all these different kinds, but their bacon burger is awesome.
  • #3...maybe Western Bacon Cheeseburger at Carls Jr. That burger is so good but the problem is its too greasy.
  • #4 Burger King's Sourdough Bacon Cheeseburger.
  • #5 Jack in the Box's Ultimate Bacon Cheeseburger.
  • Burger Supreme has a decent bacon burger as well.
  • In N Out is up there too for overall best hamburger, even though it doesn't have bacon.

Ok, I've got 2 funny stories before I end this long e-mail. The first story is an embarrassing/funny story. Last week one day my companion told me I had dirt or something on my chin. I tried to brush it off but it wouldn't come off. So when I looked in the mirror I saw it was a bruise. After thinking for a while I remembered what had happened. The day before I was trying to put my bike on our bike rack and it kept getting stuck on some strap. So I got frustrated and yanked really hard, then it broke and my fist came flying back and I hit myself in the chin. It must have looked really funny, but I didn't think much of it and kind of forgot about it. For like 4 days now I've had this knuckle sized bruise on my chin that everyone keeps asking me about. I just tell everyone that I upper-cutted myself. Don't worry, i took a picture of it. By the way, I'm planning on sending my memory card home pretty soon.

Story #2: Last week we had a huuuge thunderstorm. This was our day to do our weekly planning so we were sitting inside watching all the lightning and listening to the huge booms of thunder. It just so happens that this was at the end of the month and we had almost no miles left, so we were planning on biking that day. Instead of wussing out and deciding to just drive, we actually both got excited and finished planning as fast as we could so we could go out and bike in the storm. We drove over to the subdivision where we were planning on working, got out of our car, got our bikes off the bike rack, and started biking down the street. The people who saw us get out of our car and get on our bikes in the rain probably thought we were crazy. It was soooo much fun. We were both completely drenched after a couple minutes. There was no point in trying to dodge puddles because we were already as wet as we could get, so we just rode straight through the puddles. Before I left you might remember Christopher gave me these cool rubber shoe cover to put on my shoes to keep dry. In this case it actually did the opposite. At first it was working really well, but when I went through big puddles and after my pants got soaking wet the water ran down my leg into my shoes and the rubber covers kept all the water inside. So I was walking around literally with shoes full of water. I dumped out all the water when I got home and it was pretty funny how much water came out. It was all fun.

Well...I this was a pretty long e-mail so I hope every one enjoys it. Unfortunately I randomly got a nose bleed while I was writing this so it cut out part of my time and I'm not going to have time to write to anyone else. But thank you everyone for sending the happy birthday e-mails. I'm probably going to print them all out and write back to everyone next week. I love you all and I hope you have a good spring break!!!


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