Monday, January 12, 2009

Received Mon Jan 12, 2009

Nooooooooo...the chargers lost. That's ok...I actually don't care that much because I didn't get to watch them this year anyway. The 4 teams that are still left are a huge surprise to me. The Eagles might actually make it all the way this year!

Anyway...its been a pretty long week. After I e-mailed last week we went to Bolivar peninsula again, except this time we brought a car with us across the ferry so we could drive around the island and see more. It was pretty interesting; everything is still smashed and destroyed over there. We did see some crazy things, but all the destruction is getting kind of boring now. I took a few pictures though. But anyway, (this next part could get gross) the next day me and Elder Pedersen woke up throwing up and having some bad diarrhea. At first we thought it was food poisoning, but now we think it might have been a bug we caught on Bolivar from touching stuff. We still don't know what it was but I have never been so sick in my life. I only threw up once in the morning but I still felt nauseated all day. I've never had diarrhea so bad before. Me and Elder Pedersen spent ALL day running back and forth to and from the bathroom. Sometimes we both needed to go so we would run over and use the Brown's bathroom when they weren't home. We both felt so weak and felt like we were about to pass out by about 11am. All we could really do was lie in bed or sit at our desks. I ended up losing 6 pounds and he lost 9 pounds. Later that night I started feeling a little better and the Brown's went and got me some of my miracle juice: Powerade. Elder Pedersen got some Gatorade even though I explained to him that Powerade is far superior to Gatorade. Anyway, I drank some powerade and tried to eat a little yogurt. I surprisingly slept well that night and woke up pretty much all the way healed. I was still exhausted and worn out from the day before but I was pretty much better. Elder Pedersen still had some sickness that day, so we had to stay in again. So on Thursday we finally got to go out and work again.

Thursday is our weekly planning session day though, so we had a pretty long planning session. We wrote down all the names of the people we need to visit and we came up with 15-20 people. Were definitely going to be pretty busy for a while. We've got to sift through these people. A lot of these people are investigators that hit an obstacle and stopped progressing. So we've been visiting these people and we've been pretty bold, and told them they need to get their priorities straight or they will never be able to stay happy. Pretty much nobody could deny what we told them, but they just cant force themselves to take the next step. So were currently sifting through these people, trying to kick them into shape and if they don't respond, we drop them.

Montanna did get baptized yesterday. We changed it from Saturday to Sunday, because Abraham and Paulette both had to work on Saturday. It turned out really really well. A TON of people showed up. Usually only like 15 people come to a baptism including missionaries and the person's family, but this time there was easily 30+ people there. Montanna is 12 so we've really been trying to work with the Young Women to help get her involved. I remember hearing a talk from somewhere, I'm not sure, but they were saying how full conversion has two parts: spiritual and social. Missionaries are in charge of the spiritual side, but the members really need to do the social side. So, we had some of the young women Montanna had already started making friends with do the talks and prayers. All of the young women actually showed up, so it turned out really well. She's going to be a good member. It was really neat to watch that family form. It started as Abraham by himself and now he has a wife, and 2 kids there. His other son really wants to move in too. By the way, we found out that the problem in the family is definitely Kim, not Abraham. Kim is probably the most dramatic girl I've ever met. She basically lied to us about everything. Everyone else in the family is ok, but she is pretty lost right now. She's acting like she's trying to find a new religion now and shes basically doing EVERYthing she can to get attention. She was one of the people we were really bold with and told her she's messing up her life. I'm sure she'll come around again. I'm just glad that the Perez family is still strong.

We got transfer calls this morning and I am NOT getting transferred! I will be starting my fourth transfer here. I've been here for over 4 months already...time has flown by. I wanted to stay for one more transfer here and sift through these people and find another person who is ready to receive the gospel. Last night I got an epiphany and realized who we need to focus on and who is probably ready to receive the gospel. Her name is Somang, she is from Korea and shes is going to be living here with her aunt, who is a member. That family is really strong in the church, and Somang has already come to church twice. We've always wanted to visit her but we have so much on our plate right now that we have totally forgot about her. So I'm excited to start teaching her and I have pretty good hopes for her.

No, I don't think I noticed the moon on the 10th. I was definitely outside but I don't particularly remember the moon. The moon always looks HUGE here. Ive seen it a couple times where it was just barely over the horizon of the water and it was a full moon and the moon was red and orange and HUGE. It always looks cool when its out above the gulf of Mexico.

Nope I haven't tried my debit card since last weeks e-mail. That's about all I can remember for this week.

I'm happy I'm staying for another transfer here in Galveston. I know this place like the back of my hand. I not only know all the streets and all the buildings, but I know where all the bumps in the sidewalk are and where the sidewalk starts and ends on each street. When we get referrals I can look at the address and tell you if its at the start of the block, middle, or end. Its pretty fun when you get to know a place so well. I've been having a ton of fun while working hard, and that is when you do the best work. You teach better, you find better, and you're just a better missionary when you're always in a good mood and you've got a smile on your face.

Ok, well that's all for this week. I need to go buy one of those pouch things so I can send that flash drive home.

I love you all!

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