Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Phone Call!

Chase called and woke me up this morning at 7:00 CA time. He was at the airport, waiting to get on the plane for Texas. He had about 2 hours to wait.

Of course Zak and Kerry had been up for hours (seminary) and Kylie, Griffin and Quinn were up too.

He sounded very good. Said he got up at 4:30am! The packing was not a big deal. He had the time and room in his luggage. He is sending home a bad (old?) white shirt, shoes that he brought that were too small, old scriptures.

He went to go and get a cinnabon for breakfast, they were out, he had to wait 10 minutes, then they would have fresh. Yummy.

The only information that he received about Texas was that he (they, all the missionaries) would be met at the airport by their mission president, Pres. Allread. They get on the plane around 10:00, arrive around 2:40. The missionaries will not sit together on the plane. Chase bought a Book of Mormon that he could give away if he got the opportunity. He also had plenty of pass along cards.

He said he was really ready to leave the MTC and begin this part of his mission. He felt good about his Spanish. He and his companion speak Spanish a lot. He sounded positive, secure and happy.

Oh, yes, yesterday they had a devotional. Pres. Uchtdorf spoke! He said it was very good.

That is all I can remember. It was nice to hear his voice.

1 comment:

Nana said...

This makes me all teary eyed. Brings back many wonderful memories. Chase is so ready for being a missionary. And he is just a wonderful boy/man! I think I love him, love him, love him!!