Sunday, September 21, 2008

Confusing Letter

On Friday we received a hand written letter from Chase, we were all excited to hear how he was doing, what and where he was doing it!

The letter is dated - (in Chase's own hand) September 16th. I start reading the letter, but everything he is saying, I already know, but how could I? Too confusing! I keep reading, it sounds like he is talking about just arriving to the mission home way back on September 10th.

So then I look at the post mark on the envelope, which is Sept 11! What I think happened is that Chase VERY mistakenly wrote the date as the 16th when it was the 10th. It took 9 days to get the letter because of the hurricane.

Most of the letter was exactly the same as his First P-day letter (last Monday). I will write out what was new:
There's definitely some pretty ghetto areas around here though. There was some guy trying to break into a car in some parking lot then the car alarm went off and he ran away. The AP's have some pretty crazy stories. All these signs on the freeways are saying a hurricane is coming & to fill up your cars with gas.

We'll spend the night here in the mission home. Tomorrow we'll have some training meetings then go out to our areas at 3:00 and get started. It's going to be awesome. (from Julie: I find this most interesting and funny, because little did he know what would really happen! We don't even know if he is in his area yet! Did you see the Church News? There is a picture of missionaries and other church members doing service in Houston. They are wearing the yellow t-shirt Chase also talked about in his letter. I looked closely, but Chase is NOT among one of the ones pictured.)

All the stop light signals are sideways - it's so weird. I'll have to take a picture of them sometime. That and all the other weird Texas stuff I see.


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