Monday, March 8, 2010

Received Mon Feb 22, 2010

Dear Family,

We did have the baptism for Anthony this weekend! It was awesome. The sad part was that his family didn't show up. They always do that. All week they say they'll come to church or whatever and they claim they've taken work off, then they don't show up. They say they were sick every single morning. It is really sad. Despite the sad fact that his family was so unmotivated to come to their own child's baptism, it still turned out good. Anthony loved answering people's questions while they were giving talks and being involved in their object lessons. I think it makes him so happy to see that he is learning things and he is able to answer questions and participate. After the baptism everyone came up and hugged him and congratulated him. That was good to see. That is probably the most love he has felt for a long time.

The next day in Sacrament meeting Anthony asked me to be the one to confirm him, so of course I did. He was beaming all day since his baptism. I am happy for him. I'm happy for my companion too.

Unfortunately Keith Greear, the man who almost died a bunch of times and has the messed up back, didn't come to church. He's involved in some band that plays music for other churches and he had to do something for that. We had some really good lessons with him this week. We always go with a member named Brother Keichler. The missionaries used to live in the Keichlers home and they really miss them. Anyway, we always go over to the Keichler's home and practice our lesson and role play with Brother Keichler, then we go and do it and it always turns out good. One cool experience is that we decided we were going to review the restoration and try to help him have a better understanding of why this is the one true church and we were going to watch the restoration movie. Well Keith always studies stuff online throughout the week (hes a big computer guy) and when we showed up that day, he not only read the chapter that we left him, but he also went online and read the entire Joseph Smith History. He's probably the only investigator I've had ask me about Oliver Cowdery and about how the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood were restored. We just need to get this man to church.

We have found a couple other people this last week too, which is really good. It is tooough to find people to teach here. But we have some pretty high potential people, so thats good.

I have heard about the Olympics this week...literally. Whenever we come home at night the Seeley's have the olympics on, so we can always hear it. They usually turn it off though or just turn it down so we can hear it while were upstairs. They are very considerate about all that. It has to be such a big hassle for them to go out of their way to do all this stuff. They are good people.

I got all the pictures in the mail this week!! That was probably one of the most exciting pieces of mail to open. I was pretty amazed looking at all the pictures and seeing how much our cousins have changed over the last year and a half. And how tall is Zak? He hasn't passed me up yet has he? Mom did a good photography job. Thank you for sending all those pictures, it was fun to look at.

This week Elder Zwick from the first quorum of the seventy is going to come tour our mission. We're going to have 2 zone conferences where half our mission will go to each. We go on Thursday. Everyone has been pretty excited about it. I got a phone call a few days ago from the assistants and they said that instead of having the assistants conduct the zone conferences this time around, the zone leaders are going to do it and that I am going to be the one in charge of conducting the one on Thursday. That's about enough to give me a heart attack. Not only am I going to have to conduct a meeting in front of half our mission, but I'll be standing 5 feet away from a general authority while I do it. I know there's not really any reason to be nervous because nothing bad could possibly happen, but I am still pretty nervous. I'll be happy when I get that over with. We also got some news that Elder Zwick wants to have a dinner with all of the zone leaders, so after zone conference on Thursday we're going to have a big dinner with Elder Zwick. This rich member in Sugar Land who is a steak fanatic is going to be in charge of the food. He gets his steaks cut specially for him and he gets them cut extra thick. He does these big dinners for all sorts of people. That will be exciting. I'm going to have to go fasting.

Ok well that's about all for this week. It has been a good week though. We've hit almost all our goals and our whole zone is doing really well. We've baptized 13 people in the zone so far this transfer, which is really high. We'll see how the transfer ends. I cant believe were starting week 5! Ok well have a good week everyone!! Have a good time in Hawaii Mom and Dad! I love you all!!


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