Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Received Mon, June 8, 2009

Dear Family,

Although we didn’t get to get out as much as we normally could, this week was pretty good.

On Thursday we got to go to the temple. Our ward had a temple trip planned for our youth and we got to go because the two Dor daughters were going and 2 reactivated members were going for the first time. They all loved it. It was really neat to see these people we have been working with so much, experience the temple. I got to help do confirmations and 2 baptisms. Apparently missionaries are not allowed to baptize women in the temple, so we each just baptized 2 young men. It was my first time doing baptisms and confirmations in the temple. It was a really good experience. The water in the baptismal font was really warm too…it was almost like being in a Jacuzzi. That’s the closest thing we have to swimming on the mission.
The next piece of good news is that we have another baptism coming up. David Majewski will be baptized on June 13, this Saturday. He is very prepared and ready. He’s been coming to church for 3-4 months and he read the entire Gospel Principles Book. (Hes the one that wanted to finish reading the Gospel Principle’s book before getting baptized). He finished it like 3 weeks ago, but we haven’t been able to see him since then, but last week we set up an appointment with him and he said he was planning on getting baptized on his birthday, June 13. He’s already been interviewed and his baptism was announced in Sacrament meeting, so we’re expecting a pretty good attendance. That will be exciting.
I’ve written about Maria a couple times…she is the lady that has pretty bad depression. Well she didn’t make it to church last week…we’re thinking because she was arguing with her daughter about what date she would get married. The daughter joined the church 2 years ago and shes attending BYU-I right now. She’s engaged and she’s planning on getting married on September 4th, but Maria wants her to take a lot of counseling classes and marriage prep stuff and get married in a year. I guess the daughter has already made up her mind and wants to get married on September 4th. Maria really wanted to be in the temple for her marriage and that was a big motivating force for her starting to come back to church. Well, now that’s gone and she’s been going through some other trials, so her desire was a little shaken. We fasted for her and we’ve been praying for her, and she came to church yesterday and had a really good experience. It was fast and testimony meeting and a lot of the experiences people shared reminded her of some of her experiences. Then in gospel essentials class we had a really good lesson. She told us how much she loved church. I think she realized the big difference the spirit can make in your life. When you're really sad and you come to church and feel the spirit, there is such a huge difference so it makes it easy to recognize it. We have really high hopes for her and were planning on giving her a baptismal date soon.
We had a couple other good lessons with people, but that was our week in a nutshell. In the meantime, as my companion has been icing his knee, I’ve been reading a lot of scriptures and playing the piano a lot. I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned it…I think I have, but whenever we have free time, my companion and I will play around on the piano and we’ve kind of been teaching ourselves. We can both play the right hand of most songs, which is really cool considering neither of us really knew anything about piano’s when we first got here. So in the last few weeks I’ve gotten a lot of practice.
A few days ago I also felt like I should read the Book of Mormon again. I started 3 days ago and now I’m in 2 Nephi 9! I want to finish it within a month.
I made 2 omelets last week. One was a success and the other one didn’t go as planned. Apparently you aren’t supposed to cook omelets on really high heat. Well I was really hungry so I put the heat on high so I could eat my food faster. I poured the egg mixture in, and almost immediately it started looking like scrambled eggs. So I abandoned the idea of an omelet and finished making the scrambled eggs. Then I threw in some chopped up ham, then I threw in a tortilla, put it all together, put some cheese in there and I had a delicious breakfast burrito. Frying the tortillas makes a big difference. That’s what Hispanic people always do and they always have good tortillas. I usually just heat them up in the microwave, but frying them is way better.
One last story. We were eating dinner at a member’s home last week and the fact that I am a Spanish missionary was brought up, so the parents started talking about how their son is taking Spanish and how he is really good at it. So they prod him to show off his talent and they ask him to say “Hi, my name is Phillip.” This was his response: (pronounce it as you would in English): Hoe-la, Me lambes es Phillip. The first thought that came to my mind was to correct one of the words, but then I realized everything was wrong, so I just kept my thoughts to myself. I think he combined “Mi nombre es Phillip with Me Llamo Phillip, with a bad gringo accent. I not sure where llames came from though. Then the Mom said, “No, you said it wrong. You're supposed to say Felipe, not Phillip.” That made me laugh a lot. That was TexMex at its finest.Ok, well that’s about all for this week!
Have a happy birthday Mom!! I think this is the first birthday that I have remembered the Monday before it happened. Have a great week!! I love you!!
PS. I also sent pictures of the Dor's baptism. Enjoy!

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