Monday, December 29, 2008

Received Mon Dec 29, 2008

That was a pretty good email for doing it last minute and with not much to write about.

So Sterling got the LAN party sponsored by Monster??? What does that mean? Did they give everyone energy drinks or something? I remember at last years LAN party I won 1v1's and me and Steven won the 2v2s. Last year I found out that caffeine doesn't really do much to my body. On Halloween I was going to pull an all nighter watching Halloween movies all night but I was really tired, so I drank two cans of Rockstar energy drink then fell asleep half an hour later.

This morning Elder Pedersen and I called the famous 1-800-555-TELL to check the Chargers Bronco's game (remember the chargers are my favorite team and the bronco's are elder Pedersen's favorite team and whoever won this game goes on to the playoffs) and I was very happy to see my boys dominated. They're gonna pull a Giants and become amazing at the end of the year and win the super bowl.But anyway, this week has been pretty uneventful. We haven't really left the apartment since last Sunday. Ive been going crazy and getting pretty restless. Last night we did get to go out though. We went and taught Paulette's daughter, Montanna, who just moved in. She is 12 years old. Paulette and Kim have been talking to her all about their baptisms and how great the church is and Montanna came to church yesterday and loved it. So halfway through the lesson as we were talking about authority and baptism, she said "So...when can I be baptized??" That's every missionaries dream. She said she wants to get baptized next week, but we need to teach her everything first, so we set her date for January 10th. Abraham's son who is 10 was also there last night. He's only going to be there for a week because he usually lives with his mom in a different city. After Montanna asked to be baptized, Abraham's son asked us if he could be baptized too. He told us that the baptists baptized him when he was younger, but they didn't have the correct authority. This kid is a genius. He completely understood everything he taught and he even said the prayer at the end of the lesson. It was a really and successful lesson. We did an object lesson and we had both of them jumping up and down getting really excited, yelling out "this is so fun!!" They are both very smart...smarter than most adults we teach. All in all it was an amazing lesson and it felt really good to finally get out and teach. It got Elder Pedersen re-excited again too, so that will give him more motivation to want to get out and start working again.

Today we played miniature was pretty fun. I tied with Elder Pedersen. We're going to have to play again next week for a tie breaker. I'm also getting ready to send home picture on that flash drive again. I think the whole flash drive thing was a great idea, especially when I figured out how to write captions on the pictures. But I was just wondering if you wanted me to print out some pictures too. Obviously it would be cheaper not to, but if you want me to I can.

Ok, I've got to go now. I loved being able to talk to everyone on Christmas. I pray for you guys every night.

I love you all!!!

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